Welcome to your QNMU CPD Portal

Our CPD portal offers QNMU members free access to a bespoke learning management system built for nurses and midwives, with specialist content developed by qualified healthcare and legal experts, such as nurses, midwives, pharmacists and lawyers.

Help meet your AHPRA registration requirements

Any online modules you complete via the QNMU CPD portal will be counted towards your annual CPD.

Read this before you get started!

You will need to watch the Get started with your e-Portfolio tutorial video in the QNMU CPD portal to ensure that your professional registration details are added and then you can assign CPD modules to your registration. They will appear as unassigned when you first log in.

This will ensure you can see an accurate record of your CPD activity when you are required to renew your registration.

You can also use this portal to record your other CPD activities, such as external and/or QNMU specific courses, conferences, podcasts and webinars, as well as reflective learning.

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature

QNMU members also have access to the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) database, powered by a world-leading provider of research databased, EBSCO.

Click here to access CINAHL online